Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
It’s taken me awhile, almost 5 months to be exact, to write this down on paper. To accept something that I didn’t want to accept, and...
What If I Were To Tell You...
What if I were to tell you that you're going to face adversity in college. That your experience would be less than perfect. What if I...

Resiliency gets easier. I used to scratch and crawl and whine when I got injured. I was miserable and I hated the experience of “sitting...

The things I didn't know
“Injuries, while hopefully infrequent, are often an unavoidable part of sport participation. While most injuries can be managed with...

Without a doubt, my favorite part about collegiate running is being part of something that is greater than myself; I find this in my...

Acceptance: The first and most important step
“You have to break, take breaks, or both.” - Yrsa Daley-Ward. This quote, in time, has become my mantra for the last year and half. In a...

"There’s life to be lived in the downtime"
With World Mental Health Day just around the corner, I’ve been lucky enough to use this opportunity to shed some insight into my own...

The Struggle is Real
Oprah Winfrey once said, “Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.” That’s what I love...

Hello Future Child of Mine
Hello Future Child of Mine, I want you to know something. Something that I cannot stress enough and that my parents told me growing up...

Flowering Fields - A follow-up to Barren Wasteland
How does self-compassion relate to periods? Also, how close of an acquaintance does a guy have to be for me to be able to excitedly tell...